Support Our Music Program!
The BOP Board believes in public education.
We believe that all students deserve access to the
high-quality music program that our music teachers provide each day.
When you donate any amount of money, no matter how large or small,
100% goes directly back to our students.
From scholarships for private lessons to learn instruments, purchasing sheet music,
cleaning band uniforms, or sustaining music events for our kids,
BOP strives to create excellent and equitable music education
for all students at Lincoln Park High School.
Meet Your 2024-25 BOP Board Members:
Un Sil Hwang, President,
David Sok, Vice-President
Carmen Holly, Secretary
Anita Munoz, Treasurer

BOP is YOU! And everything BOP does directly impacts the 500 students we see every single day!
Every dollar BOP raises goes directly back to our Band and Orchestra students!
Purchasing new instruments, books, bows, mouthpieces, mallets, and music are just a few of things that
BOP helps provide our program so we can be the best Band and Orchestra in Chicago Public Schools.
Last year, BOP helped us buy some beautiful new chairs and stands for our students,
some new top of the line bows for our orchestra, a brand new tenor sax and bass clarinet,
some great literature for our library, brought in some guest clinicians from around the country, and much more!
This year, we are hoping to purchase some new cellos, alto saxes, a few new band and orchestra songs,
some additional storage lockers to keep our instruments safe, and to send some of instruments in to be repaired
so they can go back into our playable inventory!

Welcoming our Students
Reinforcing our Commitment
Creating Community

"The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create."